<Zurück zur ListeThe first Academy dedicated to HLVP technology
The first Rigo Academy course took place in Ovada at Arata Utensili.
Arata has been the first retailer to host Rigo Academy in Italy. Level training to acquire skills, precision and speed working with our equipment of high-volume low pressure.
Many thanks to Cesare and Fabio Arata who believed first in our Company path that comes out from pure production logic.
With Rigo Academy we offer our partner/dealer both a service and the ability to create culture, all this thanking to our innate corporate versatility of which we are proud.
We recommend an original path, for those who wish to undertake it with us, that will bear multiple values such as:
- Italian project
- Reliability of the service,
- Knowledge of performing equipment
- The ability to create a strong relationship with the final user
RIGO ACADEMY means enhancing performances reducing working times and obtaining excellent, homogeneous and surprising effects.
All courses are held by our trainer Michele Perfetti who with skills and professionalism manages to convey the passion for our equipment, showing all effects that highlight the versatility of our spray equipment.
Rigo equipment is performing on all type of support and for multiple types of finishing: from decorative to industrial painting to wood and metal painting, involving fine arts.
We turn to a heterogeneous audience that often uses products with different technical characteristics that need an accurate dedicated spray application: from the most liquid to the densest and from innovative materials to thickness. Responding to the various needs of every trainee.
We remind you that we also run courses dedicated to sanitization with our equipment Rigo Sanitary.
To find out more on Rigo world please read Colore & Hobby edition 406.