Rigo® HVLP systems and their benefits

Find out here below just a few of the major benefits that come when you use Rigo® HVLP spray systems

We may note just how user-friendly and functional this resource is. Alongside efficiency and flexibility we must also remember its safeguards − both environmental and for the health of users (without detracting from economic considerations and the need to curb costs).

Rigo® HVLP at the service of operators

  • Limited overspray, low quantities of suspended material; loss of material is limited
  • Higher levels of delivery of the material to surfaces for the more demanding tasks
  • Savings in the quantities of paint used, for improved undercoats and no excess paintwork
  • A timesaver at the preparation stage and during cleaning
  • The spray air is oil-free and condensation-free, for neatly precise results
  • The air volume can be adjusted to the ideal setting for the task at hand
  • Perfect air volume/pressure ratio at all times
  • Poor maintenance
  • Full assortment of accessories

Rigo® HVLP simple to use

  • Compact and lightweight, facilitating handling
  • The warm air is totally oil-free and condensation-free, for an improved coat while cutting back on drying time
  • Suitable for use with most modern materials
  • Ideal for decor work
  • High performance ratings also in terms of transfer, compared to conventional guns
  • Efficiency for small-scale industrial and artisan tasks
  • Quality of finish on a par with high-pressure spraying results (or even better!)

Rigo® HVLP to safeguard health and the environment

  • Aspiration-free painting
  • Lower air emission levels
  • Lower vapour exposure and aspiration for painters
  • HVLP technology meeting VOC requirements

Rigo® HVLP’s clear economic benefits

  • Transfer rate for the material (up to 95%)
  • Waste reduction
  • 60% time saving compared to brush and roller work
  • Poor maintenance