<Torna all'elencoCart Turbine? But don't call it AIRLESS!
When a company believes in its own products, is the first one to use them! So we also did it, by challenging the Cart Turbine directly on our premises in Olgiate Olona hosting company's offices, administration and design, with excellent results!
The professional Angelo Albanese owner and managing director of the Giotto Agrate Conturbia NO, has painted the whole building using Cart Turbine, which has proved a valuable ally.
In Trade magazine Color & Hobby ed. 350 March 2015 the whole interview with Angelo Albanese is available on pages. 84/85/86/87 that tells the entire project of painting with the right Rigo equipment: safe and easy to carry, use, clean and equipped with a wide range of accessories.
You can view the entire Magazine or download our advertising poster and the interview at the links below.
Enjoy your reading!